Teaching Philosophy
Where the talent grows
I believe everyone can learn music, and everyone can play piano well. There are many ways to learn piano. My principle is to teach in the most natural and smooth way, rooting music deeply in one’s mind . Music comes through our ears, by the playing of piano transmitting the sheet music into an audible format. My teaching nurtured the students in all three major senses Visual, Kinetic, and Aural, which convey the music into minds eventually. When music is processed eventually through ears, it is the only way that music learning returns to its very original form.
Everyone is unique. Like the way every young child learns to speak, each child takes different time and effort to obtain. As their parents, being loving and supporting is essential to the children’s development. Parents stay Patient, Positive, Supportive and have a mind of Growing, children are more focused and active during lessons, which eventually further their learning progression. The boundaries between children and parents are enhanced.
Remember how children are taught to speak and how they learn to speak? Probably those over and over repetition has been forgotten when the children are able to express themselves fluently. It happens to music too! When the beauty of the music is being played, all those repetitions would be forgotten. The only thing that to recall for now, is how we finally got there. Yes, it is imitation and repetition, in short-Practice daily.
Your children are very important and precious to me, because they are at their pure young age and I am the one who builds their mind. They are also the reflections of my belief and my teaching abilities. There is an old saying “You can always earn money back but not the time.” I appreciate and respect the time we spend together in our life!
Welcome to my studio!
Elly Wen

Gain Abilities
Build Confidence